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A to Z of living your dream life

Updated on January 20, 2016

A- Apologize

Apologize for being mistaken, being too sensitive, over protective and for being a good person. Yes! This is the first step towards a happy, healthy, and a successful life. Be sorry for every wrong step you took, and move on! Do not just stand there and keep thinking about the past, it’s gone and is never going to come back. Start everyday without any regrets from yesterday. It is today and tomorrow that you need to think about.

B-Be brave

Always remember that difficulties and challenges come to your life to strengthen you, so face them bravely and show them that you will not be affected by any storm. Problems are going to come no matter how prepared you’re, and they are going to make you feel miserable and helpless, but you’re a brave soul; do not let them stay in your heart or mind. Be brave and live your life like a hero.

C- Care

First of all, care for your own self before going out there and caring for everyone else. Stop being affected any anything that is not good for you. Take care of your health, wealth, loved ones, and those in surroundings. Caring is a compassionate act that leaves its marvelous marks everywhere. So show care and respect and enjoy the credits that you get back.

D- Dream

Have courage to dream for a better life and a better future and make it come true through inconsistent hard work and determination. Do not stop dreaming just because you’re too young, you are not rich or any other reason that the society will keep on reminding you. It is your dream, so it is your responsibility to fulfill it. No one wants it as much as you do, and so no one deserves it as much as you do. Dream and make them come true.

E-Enjoy, even the small things

Enjoy the weather, the meal, the movie, a chat with grandparents, a long walk along seashore, in short; enjoy each and every experience of your life. Our lives are shorter than we have expected, so spend every single second enjoying whatever you are, you’ve and you’re going to get.


Once you apologize and learn from anything or anyone, just forget about it. Do not let it stay with you, It will just keep you busy doing nothing and will make you feel depressed and unworthy. So to move on, it is necessary to forget about what hurt you in past and stay away from anything that might affect your present and future.

G-Gratitude is everything

Today you woke up in the morning, while many people couldn’t. Show gratitude from the start of your day till the end. Bring gratitude on your face, in your words, in your writings, in your acts, overall, live a life full of gratitude everyday and witness how beautiful your life turns out to be.


No happiness and peace is comparable to the one you get after helping others. So be a helping hand in your family, your home town, your work place and among friends. By helping others, you’re actually helping yourself.


Implementation is a key to success. We can write a lot, read a lot, hear a lot but until and unless we start implementing them, we will not see the results. Same goes with this hub, I have written it and you’re reading it, but what we all need to do is actually try and implement them in our daily lives, only then we will be able to lead a happy, healthy, and successful life.


Jogging or walking everyday is very important as it is healthy for both, our heart and brain. Jog early in the morning, at evening or at night, for at least 30 min everyday and keep your body in shape, your mind healthy and your heat happy.

Do you have a pet?

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K-Keep a pet

Keep a pet, maybe a fish, a kitten, a puppy, or a rabbit, or whatever you like. Keeping a pet is an amazing experience. Pet gives you good moments and memories that a human being cannot. They show love and compassion, become your friends, stay with you and get upset whenever you leave you. They help you understand the meaning of life and friendship.


If you see in your surroundings, every single thing offers you something to learn, all you need to do is pay attention. Make it a habit to learn from everyone and everything, no matter how big or small, and apply what you learn in your everyday life.


Mediation has its own magic that only those who mediate punctually can tell. Mediation does not only spends your time wonderfully, but also lets you meet your inner self, helps to get motivated, gives meaning of life and everything in surroundings, makes you feel lighter and purposeful and takes you to the world of calmness and quietness. And once you get back, you’re not the same person as you were at the start of meditation.

N-Never give up

Never give up on your dreams, relationships, skills, and health. Giving up is very easy but the regret can last a lifetime. So just don’t give up, try even harder than the last time to make everything right. People are going to say negative about you anyway, so why not keep doing your work and show them that you’re a one strong soul that is not easy to let down.


Organize yourself as much as you can. Organize your daily routine, lessons, sports, stuffs and relationships. Organized people are a lot more successful than the one who does not really care about it. Make a routine and follow it, skip all unnecessary jobs until you are done with the ones important for you. Do not disturb your routine every now and then just because your friends force you to do so. They are going to be there even after you refuse, so don’t worry!

How patient do you think you are (on the scale of 1 to 10)?

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Not a single big thing happens in a day or two, so you need to have some good deal of patience. If you want something big in your life, then you not only need to work hard, but you also need to have patience. Patience is a key to everyday success .A patient person achieves more and looses less.


Quit all those bad habits that are not letting you move forward. Quit addiction, negative thinking, back biting, laziness, and anything that gives you negative vibes later on. Start a new hobby, make new friends, go see the world and say no to anything that is unhealthy for you.

R-Rise & Shine

After every defeat or an unsuccessful attempt, rise back and shine. Do not consider any failure the final one. Work hard and try harder and again and again until you see the positive results. Get up every day, dress up and go fight for your dreams and bring back what you ones wish for.


Smile kills pain and depression, and brings hope, prosperity and wellness. A simple smile can start a friendship, end quarrels, bring peace and can encourage someone. So smile as often as you can. Gift your smile to random people, and get one back. Smile is the best cure for heart injuries. Smile shows that you’re stronger and happy and positive. Spread smiles everywhere and see the wonders.


Travelling is one of the most amazing things a person can do in his/her life. Travelling has never showed its negative side to anyone who loved it. Visit a new town, a new place, a new mall, a new city or even a new country if you can. Keep your backpack light and your heart full of gratitude. Make new acquaintances and share your traditions, ideas and knowledge with others. Travelling will change you completely and don’t let that change fade away with a passage of time, so travel frequently.


Understand what is good and what is bad. Understand the lectures that your parents give you every day, they’re in your favor. Understand that good things take time to happen. Understand that every relationship has compromises, life is nothing without compromises. Try and understand the reasons of everything that happens. And once you start understanding the reasons, your life will be as light as a feather.


Value what you have, and then strive for what you want. Be grateful for your current lifestyle, some people don’t have even that much. Value your family, traditions, language, culture; they are what gave you respect and name. Value your friends, your loved ones, gifts, emotions, and the care that you get from someone else, they might not last for long.


Writing is an amazing hobby that helps to reduce stress and makes oneself feel much better. Write everything down that bother you, make you happy, scare you, challenge you, or encourage you. Write down all the blessings that you have and be grateful for them. Write letters to friends, cards for loved ones, notes for yourself and advices for others. In no time, you’ll start changing yours and others lives in a remarkable way.

X-Find out what’s missing

In math, the value of the letter x is everything. If you do not find the correct value of x, you do not get the full marks. The same way, find out what exactly is missing from your life that needs to be there, discipline, health, relationship, dream or self control? You need to find the answer by yourself. Everyone has got different values of X in their lives, so find them out one by one and work on the ideas of getting them back one by one.


Do not stop yearning what you want the most and do not give up on the way. Work hard and spend every day in a way that you feel a step, even a micro step, but closer to what you want the most in your life. Do not get affected by your surroundings, live your own life, make your own decisions, and follow your own path.


Last but not the least is zip up all the points above and save them in your brain drive. Whenever you need help, unzip them and apply. Listed above are some miraculous softwares of life that we all need to install and they actually take less space. And above all, they’re all free.

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